At Beacon Boxx, we believe your life matters.

We believe it so strongly, in fact, that we’ve dedicated our future to ensuring that nothing can take away your prospect of tomorrow.

And it’s this commitment that led us to create our easy-to-use, life-saving technology that connects you to a community of first responders who can save your life and ensure you get to live another day. When you buy a Beacon Boxx, you are buying more than just a piece of hardware. You are buying peace of mind. You are buying our commitment to you. You are buying a sense of certainty that you or your loved one will be cared for in your most vulnerable moments.

So, let us be a beacon of hope and keep you connected when it matters most.

Buy your Beacon Boxx today because you have a lot of life left to live and we want you to live it.

The Problem:

Have you ever wondered what would happen to you or loved one if an in-home emergency occurred that left you unconscious? How long before help would arrive, or, would anyone even know help was needed?

There are over 4,000 people found helpless or dead in their homes every day in the United States. Over 1,000 of them are found dead on arrival. That equates to 1 person every 20 seconds! Accidents do not descriminate based on age, gender, or income. If you own a wearable device, you deserve a Beacon Boxx. Protect your life today.


Introducing, Beacon box, a 24/7 personal emergency intervention system that creates a comprehensive in-home safety ecosystem using connected health wearables and patented Beacon Boxx technology.